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Terms and conditions of use

User guidelines

Argyll and Bute Council welcomes constructive comments about the services we deliver and we believe that our customers have the right to be heard.

To ensure that our site is inviting and used to the benefit of everyone, we reserve the right to remove any contribution sor block accounts that break the following rules or guidelines. If you are using our site please:

  • Be civil and relevant.
  • Do not post messages that are unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, obscene, sexually orientated or racially offensive.
  • Do not make personal attacks on others.
  • Do not swear.
  • Do not post content from elsewhere for which you do not own the copyright.
  • Do not post the same message, or similar messages, more than once (also called "spamming").
  • Do not publicise someone else's personal information, such as contact details, and please be mindful of your own security in publishing information about yourself.
  • Do not advertise products or services.
  • Do not impersonate someone else.
  • Do not use our sites to promote political